How to access Voicemails Remotely

2 min. readlast update: 05.01.2024

There are three basic ways to retrieve voicemails remotely:

  • Voicemail Email Notifications:  By turning on email notifications, you receive a copy of the voice mail sent to a given email for you to listen to.  Learn how to set up your voicemail for remote access (email notifications) here

  • Turn on Call Recording:  Select "Settings" from the left side menu. Next, select the "Call Recording" tab at the top of the page. Enable desired call recordings. Call recordings will give you a recording of the call from start to finish, including any sound clips that may play in your switchboard. 

    • Note. Before enabling call recordings, check your state laws regarding call recordings. You may need to add a sound clip to your call flow alerting callers to the fact that you record calls. Additionally you may need to also people you call that thier calls are being recorded.
  • Web App: Use a Chrome web browser to log into your Mango extension. Users will be able to use the Web App to check Voicemails. 

In all three cases, if you need assistance setting these up, please feel free to reach out to us and we can assist you further.


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