How to Access Voicemail on Web App

1 min. readlast update: 04.25.2024

The voicemail feature allows a users to receive and access their private voicemail box. Users must first be registered in the Mango Voice System.

To access vopicemail through the Web App:

Google Chrome is the recommended browser.

  • If there are multiple extensions, select the desired extension.

Not all users will have multiple extensions. Users with one extension will skip the extension selection step.

·         Select the Voicemail icon on the left navigation menu.

·         If you have access to multiple voicemail boxes, select the dropdown under "All Inboxes" to filter based on mailbox.

·         Unread (listened to) voicemails will show in bold.

·         Click the voicemail you want to listen to, and it will play in the right pane.

·         If you have access to a Shared Voicemail, those messages will also appear here. 

For more information on accessign Mango Voice's Web App, visit: How to Log into the Mango Voice Web App



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