How do I transfer a call?

2 min. readlast update: 06.17.2024

The transfer feature allows a user to transfer a call to any valid extension. This can be an actual phone/user, or a Ring Group, Dial Plan, Call Queue, Voice Mail, Conference Room, etc.

Transfer a call (XFER)

Also known as an attended transfer, this allows the agent to put the caller on hold, call the party that is going to receive the call and announce that a call is being transferred or not, prior to the call being transferred.

Attended Transfer

When on a connected call.


  • Press Transfer > Presence Button or Dial Extension > Confirm Call with Remote Party > Press Transfer


  • Press Transfer. On some models of phones, it may display "XFER" or "TRAN".

  • Dial the extension to which you want to transfer the call.

  • This will connect you to the extension where you can notify the person receiving the transferred call.

  • To release the call to the receiving party press transfer (XFER) again.

  • To cancel the transfer press cancel. This will return the call back to the agent that initiated the transfer.


Blind Transfer a call (BXFER)

This allows the agent to transfer an active call directly to the receiving agent without making an announcement.

When on a connected call.


  • Press the Presence Button
  • Dial Extension > Press Transfer
  • Press Transfer > Presence Button or Dial Extension > Press Transfer

For additional call handling, we suggest the "Call Park" Feature


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