Webhook - Switchboard Object

1 min. readlast update: 04.25.2024


Use Cases

  • Use this feature to send notifications to an external website or server.

  • Log data in a google doc

  • Integrate with Zapier

  • Provide screen pop notifications in third-party software

  • Example uses:

    1. Screen pop notification

    2. Log calls

    3. Cause an action on another site

    4. Create leads

  • Example URL:
    Curly brackets will be replaced by MangoVoice with actual data.
    CALLER_ID - The caller id name of the person calling
    CALLER_NUMBER - The number of the person calling
    NUMBER_DIALED - The number that was dialed
    CALL_UID - The unique id of the call that can be used to look up the call record at a later time
    DIALED_NUMBER_NAME - The name in mango of the number being called
    TIME_UTC - The time of the Call in UTC time zone


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