Understanding Porting & FAQs

7 min. readlast update: 05.15.2024

Moving your phone number to Mango Voice? Here are the basic things you need to know to ensure your number porting goes smoothly.


Porting: to transfer an existing phone number from one carrier to another. You can learn more here


We can port most phone numbers and toll-free numbers in the US and Canada.

For the transfer of more than 100 phone numbers to Mango Voice from the same carrier, let us know as we do project-based ports.




The porting process averages between 2-4 weeks.


To avoid delaying the process, we recommend you wait to cancel with your current phone provider until after the port completes. You will need to cancel your previous service after your number has been ported. Porting your phone number may cause your carrier to automatically cancel.

To avoid delays in your number’s porting, we recommend that you follow the checklist in the Getting Started section.



Getting Started


Please go over the following checklist before we start the porting process. This will help minimize any potential issues when porting from the losing carrier.


Call your carrier(s)1 directly to get the following information:


      Customer Service Record (CSR)

      Copy of your bill from the last 30 days

      Correct account number, PIN, company name, authorization name, and service address

      Make sure there are no pending orders on the account(s)

      Make sure all numbers you are wanting to port are active


If any of the following apply, please contact the porting department so we can explore your options:


      Phone/Internet bundle

      Credit Card Machine

      Security System

      Fax Machine


All information you provide on the Letter of Authorization must match the information that the losing carrier has for your company. Making sure this information is correct helps expedite the porting process and minimizes the risk of your ports being rejected by the losing carrier. If you require a new Letter of Authorization, please reach out to porting@mangovoice.com.


1If your numbers are associated with different carriers, you will need to sign a Letter of Authorization for each carrier.



Checking the status of your port?

We’ll update you via email when your port(s) are submitted, rejected, FOC’d1, and completed. If you haven’t received an email or call from us and you want to know more, email or call (435) 767-0660
 our porting team. We’re happy to help you!



1Firm order commitment. This is the date when your port is expected to complete.

Number(s) will be fully transferred to Mango Voice between 8am and 8pm EST Monday to Friday.


Once the port is complete, and you have call forwarding in place, your number will be automatically updated in the Mango system. You should NOT experience any downtime.


If you do not have call forwarding in place, we recommend that you have one Mango phone plugged in the night before the completion date (commonly known as FOC date). When you notice the Mango phone ringing, that means the port has been completed and you are good to plug in your remaining phones.



Why did my port get rejected?


When submitting a port request, we send the information you provided to your losing provider. If there is a mismatch with what they have on file, they will reject the port. When we notify you of the rejection, we highly recommend that you contact your provider and request a Customer Service Record (CSR) which will have all the necessary information to port your number(s) successfully. Once you're sure that you have all the information you can resubmit the request.

Here are a few common rejections we receive:


PIN: Some numbers have PINs or passcodes on them to help prevent unauthorized ports. This is either set by you or assigned to you by your carrier. Sometimes it appears on your copy of the bill, but most of the time you will need to contact your carrier to obtain this information.


Address: The address submitted does not match the address on your carrier's system. We may attempt to pull a Customer Service Record (CSR) on your behalf to assist in resolving this. If we are unable to, you will need to contact your carrier to obtain this information.


Even with a current copy of your bill, the address listed does not mean it is the same as what is on their Customer Service Record (CSR). These are separate documents and the information can differ. Carriers require the Service Address for porting, instead of the Billing Address. The exception to this could be toll-free numbers, as those usually require the billing address.


Authorized Name: The signer of the Letter of Authorization is different than the name on file with your carrier. To resolve this issue, you will need to contact your carrier to obtain the correct name. You may be required to sign an additional Letter of Authorization with the newly obtained name.



The reason why you may run into this type of rejection is something like:

John Doe started the company in 2000. He then moved to another company and Bob took over the company. However, John Doe never changed their record with their carrier to indicate that Bob was the new authorized name. When Bob submits a port request in his name, the carrier rejects it since Bob is not the authorized name.


This usually requires a change on your account. You’ll either show Bob as the new authorized name on the account or have the Letter of Authorization signed by John Doe (the original owner).


Account Number: The account number was either not provided or didn’t match the carrier's record. The correct account number is required before carriers can approve the port. You can usually find this information on your copy of your bill.


Pending Order: This rejection can mean any of the following with your current carrier:

      Another port request was submitted for the same number.

      A feature is being added or disconnected.

      Information change (i.e., address).

If there are any active orders on your account, porting cannot happen until this is cleared. You will need to contact your current carrier to resolve it. Once cleared, we can resume porting. Please let us know when this is resolved so we can resubmit your request.


How can I cancel a port request?

Once your porting request has been accepted for an exact porting date (called FOC), we require a minimum 48-hour notice in order to cancel the porting order.


To cancel your port request, please email us at porting@mangovoice.com or call (435) 767-0660


To cancel a port away from Mango Voice, please contact the new carrier to which you submitted the LOA paperwork.

Disclaimer: If you are wanting to cancel a port after the 48-hour mark, while it’s possible, understand that this is not guaranteed and you risk disruption to your service. Mango is not responsible for anything after the 48 hour window



Why does Mango say my numbers are not portable but my current carrier says they are?

Mango Voice utilizes hosted carriers for telephone number porting. After thorough inquiries with all our carriers, it's evident that factors like rate center and coverage dictate the feasibility of porting certain numbers. Due to these constraints, there are limitations on what we can port. Our carriers have explained that extending coverage to such areas is a lengthy process contingent upon demand.


Alternatively, if you do not need this specific number(s), we can assign a new, similar number(s) under our service, if they are available in your area. We cannot guarantee numbers but we will do our best to accommodate your needs.  


What’s an Unauthorized Port?

An unauthorized port occurs when a number is ported out to a new provider without proper authorization from you. If you believe your number was wrongfully ported out, please contact Mango Voice’s porting team by
email or call (435) 767-0660. We do require that you fill out an LOA, Letter of Authorization, so we may take proper action.


Any unauthorized port out reports must originate from the authorized contact disputing the port and be reported within 24 hours of the occurrence. An unauthorized port request that's older than 24 hours won't be worked on as an unauthorized port out but instead as a “winback” which is standard porting timeframes. If you believe that a number was intentionally ported without authorization, you can file a complaint to the FCC.

Have questions for our team? You can email us at porting@mangovoice.com or call us directly at (435) 767-0660.

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