SMS Notification - Switchboard Object

2 min. readlast update: 03.05.2025

Note: You must have Mango+ for this feature to work.

Use Cases

·         Notify staff - This feature allows you to notify your staff of important events like a missed call, emergency call, after-hours support.
Example: Emergency after-hours call from John Doe 999-555-1212

·         Auto-reply to a caller - This will also allow you to auto-reply to your customers to engage them through text messaging.
Example: Thank you for calling MangoVoice. A ticket has been created and a customer experience agent will contact you shortly You can also reply to start a support chat


·         Message Type: select from Predefined messages or select custom to create your own.

·         Message: Create your own message, embed Mango values.
Example: An incoming call from 888-555-1212 with a caller ID of John Doe would be entered as: 

Missed call from {CALLER_ID}-{CALLER_NUMBER}

This would send an SMS message to the SMS Recipient that would appear like this

Missed call from John Doe-8885551212

CALLER_ID - The caller id name of the person calling
CALLER_NUMBER - The number of the person calling
NUMBER_DIALED - The number that was dialed
CALL_UID - The unique id of the call that can be used to look up the call record at a later time.
DIALED_NUMBER_NAME - The name in mango of the number being called
TIME_UTC - The time of the Call in UTC time zone

·         SMS Recipient: Enter a ten-digit number of the recipient you would like to send the SMS message to. You may enter multiple recipients by separating each number with a comma.
Example: 9995551212,8885551212 

·         Auto Reply to Caller: This will send the message to the caller. 

·         Send From: Select from any of your SMS activated numbers to show which number will appear when sending a text message. If your number does not appear in the list, please contact Mango support to activate that number.

Note: Make sure the number is not being used with any other texting service as activating the number with Mango may disrupt other texting services using this number.


Q: Can this send texts to our customers?

A: Yes! Just check the box that says “Auto-Reply to Caller” and type in what you would like the text to say.

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