International Calling

1 min. readlast update: 04.29.2024

Note: International is only functional on kamilio servers.

International Rates Click Here

How to turn on international dialing

1.    Go to PBX Settings and set International to Enable.

2.    Go into PBX > Users > User Groups 

3.    Create new User Group named “International”

4.    Inside new group, click International Access > Yes

5.    Add Users that are allowed to make international calls.

Enabling of International calling to be approved by the Billing Department.

(Limited to 20 concurrent calls)


International Format


  prefix country code phone number

    011      880   5551112222     If you were calling Bangladesh

      +         880   5551112222     If you were calling Bangladesh


Required Permissions

PBX must be enabled for international calling by a Mango Voice representative in PBX settings

The user associated to the extension must belong to a group that allows international calling.



How to dial International


Softphone/Webphone/Mobile App

    '+' (country code) + (phone number)   i.e (+8805551212)


    011 + (country code) + (phone number)   i.e (0118805551212)

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