I am Experiencing Dropped Calls

1 min. readlast update: 05.15.2024

Understanding dropped calls

Dropped calls typically occur for the following reasons.

  • Router firewall -  Firewalls are the the leading cause for drops calls.  Most routers have a service called SIP ALG. This service can cause call quality issues, dropped calls, phones not to ring, and calls to drop during a transfer.  Disable this setting for best call quality. Learn more by searching "SIP ALG" on our support page.
  • Internet Quality - Internet quality is essential to call quality.  If you are experiencing garbled or dropped calls make sure that your internet service is at least 20mbps download and 10Mbps upload.  Test Here.
  • For help configuring your router/firewall to best work with Mango Voice, with testing your network , or troubleshootign dropped calls, email our support team at Support@mangovoice.com or call us at 435 GoMango (435.466.2646)
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