How to Set up an Auto Attendant

2 min. readlast update: 04.24.2024

Creating an Auto-Attendant

  •  Login to the
  • Go to Switch Board.
  • Select the Switch Board you wish to edit.
  • Click Auto-Attendant. Move to the Desired locations.
  • Link the auto-attendant to the other actions as needed.
  • Change the Sound Clip if desired.
  • Add or remove options as desired.
  •  Link each option to the desired action. How to Use The Mango Voice Switchboard for details.
  • Save and exit the Switchboard.

Note: Make sure the Sound clip reflects the options. You can have hidden options by omitting the options from the sound clip.

Editing an Auto-Attendant

Additional Settings for Auto-Attendant

·         Timeout - The amount of time allowed for user input.

·         Repeat time - The number of times to repeat the auto-attendant if no option is pressed.



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