How to Put Your Cell Phone in a Ring Group

2 min. readlast update: 04.26.2024

Ring Groups allow a group of extensions to be rung at the same time. Some business owners, such as dentists, want to be included in the ring group. Placing a cell phone in a ring group is easily done by taking the following steps:

Enable Mobile App on Your Extension

·         Select the + by extensions on the left side menu

·         Select “Lines” under the Extensions tab

·         Select the extension assigned to your physical device

·         Under Mobility Access > Mobile App > Click the radial button for On

·         Click "Update Extension" at the bottom of the page to save your changes

Install the Mango Voice App on Your Cell Phone

·         The Mango Voice App works on both IOS and Android devices

·         Go to the App Store or the Google Play Store

·         Search for Mango Voice App


·         Install the App and allow the required permissions

·         Log into the Mango Voice App

·         You're now ready to receive calls in the app.

Add Your Extension to a Ring Group

·         Click “Ring Groups” in the left side menu under "Extensions"

·         Find the desired ring group to add the cell phone to. Ring group 200 is usually the primary ring group, though you may need to check your switchboard to identify which ring group you want to place it in.

·         Once you've opened the ring group, scroll down

·         You will see two columns, one will say “members in group” these are the extensions that will ring in the ring group. The other will say “Available Members for group:”.

·         Add any of these to the ring group. Find your extension and add it to the ring group by clicking on it.

·         Click update ring group just above the columns, and you have added a cell phone to the ring group!


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