How to Create and Edit a Ring Group

1 min. readlast update: 05.06.2024

Ring groups are an option that allow a group of extensions to be rung at the same time. 

Note: Ring Groups can be created and managed with Administrator roles or higher.

Create a Ring Group

  • Select the + button next to Extensions in the left side menu
  • Select Ring Groups
  • Choose the top left + New Ring Group button
  • By default, the 200 series is applied to the Name and Number fields. If adding a second Ring Group, the next in sequence is automatically assigned. This can be modified.
  • Enter the desired information. Defaults are set for your convenience.
  • When done, click the Create Ring Group Button

Edit a Ring Group

Navigate to Extensions > Ring Groups > Click the Ring Group you want to edit.

  • Add extensions to the Ring Group by clicking the blue + Add button next to the appropriate extension.
  • Remove extensions from the Ring Group by clicking the red X Remove button next to the appropriate extension.
  • Click Update Ring Group when you’re done.

Now you’re ready to use your Ring Group in your Switchboard.

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