How to Block and Unblock Phone Numbers

2 min. readlast update: 05.10.2024

Unwanted solicitations (SPAM) can be a problem for any business. Learn how to block and unblock inbound calls, messages and faxes originating from a phone number.

How Does Number Blocking Work?

Number Blocking lives at the PBX level, but is enabled/disabled from any of your Mango phones. What this means is, once a number has been blocked from any line in your office, subsequent calls, faxes or text messages to any line in your office from that number will be blocked. 

When the blocked number tries to call your phone number the following will happen:

  1. The phone call will be intercepted

  2. Mango will playback an audio clip that the number has been blocked

  3. Mango will hang up the call

  4. The blocked call will be visible in your Call Logs report

How can I block a number during a call?

Dial *999 during a call to block the number. You will be prompted to press 1 to confirm.

How can I block a number when I'm not on a call?

Using any Mango phone, call *999 to add a number to the blocked number list. You will be prompted to enter the number you would like to block with the area code. Once you enter the number it will be played back to you for confirmation. Once confirmed the number will be added to the blocked number list on your PBX.

How can I remove a blocked number when I'm not on a call?

Using any Mango phone, call *999. A sound clip will say that you can press 1 to remove a blocked number. Press 1 and follow the remaining prompts.

How can I see if a number is being blocked?

You can see blocked calls on the Call Logs report in the Admin portal.

Can a blocked number still spam me with faxes or text messages?

No. All inbound communications from the blocked number, including faxes and messages, will be prevented throughout the PBX.


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