How Does Voicemail Work?

1 min. readlast update: 06.24.2024

How do you use the Voicemail tab? How does it work?


Playing a Voicemail

  1. Select a list item from the left list. 

  2. Once selected, you should have box in the middle where you can see info about the voicemail

  3. To the left of this box is a play button. Click on that play button

  4. If you’re on Mango Plus, you should be able to see the voicemail transcription where you’ll be able to get more info if the audio isn’t working.



Deleting a voicemail 

  1. Select a list item to the left

  2. To the right is a trash can icon, Click on it. 

  3. A modal will appear, that’s warning you that this is a permanent action and cannot be undone. 

  4. You can click ‘Cancel’, or the ‘X’ icon to exit. If you want to delete it, click delete. It will be removed from the list to the left.  




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