How do I upgrade to Mango+?

1 min. readlast update: 05.10.2024

Upgrading to Mango+ will boost your productivity and automate a lot of background tasks.

Getting setup is simple. You'll need to get in touch with our friendly Sales Team who will change your account from Essentials to Mango+.  

  1. If you haven't signed the contract yet, this is the perfect time to start off running. 

  2. You must already be talking to our Sales team, but if not reach out to them in the following ways:

    1. Text us at (435) 767-0366

    2. Call us at (435) 767-0366

    3. Email us at

  3. After you speak with Sales, they will let our Customer Success agents know that you're transitioning to Mango+ and they can sign you up for a time that works for you to show you how those features can boost your business' productivity and automate your background work. 

  4. This process will take about a week from considering upgrading, talking to Sales, getting setup with our Customer Success Agent, to optimizing your business. Please keep that in mind!


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