External Transfer - Switchboard Object

2 min. readlast update: 04.26.2024

External Transfer is an object used to transfer a call outside of your Mango Voice system. This number could be a cell phone or any other 10 digit US Number you'd like to transfer to.

*Special note for External Transfer to Google Voice Numbers:

If the number you are transferring to is a Google Voice number, you must add a "Wait" object of 5 seconds, and check "Require 1 to connect" for the transfer to work. The timeout needs to be at least 30 seconds.



·         Number: Where you put the 10 digit number you want to transfer to.

·         Timeout: The amount of time (in seconds) it will ring the external number.

·         Pass Through Caller ID: If this box is checked, it will pass through the caller's Caller ID to the external number.

·         Or Use This Caller ID: If you uncheck the box above, you can select one of your Mango Voice numbers to show as the Caller ID instead of the caller's.

·         Require 1 to Connect: This works for a cell phone only. If this box is checked, when the call transfers to the cell phone, the person who answers it will hear "This is a call from the office. Press 1 to connect". If the person does not press 1 or hangs up the call, the call flow will continue to the next object.

Use Cases

This object has many uses. If you just need to leave the office for an hour to go to lunch or a meeting, you can put your cell phone number in this box to have calls transferred to your cell while you're out. Or in a more permanent option, this is great if you have an answering service that picks up your calls if you're busy. 


Q: Can I have the voicemails be left on my cell phone's voicemail box?

A: Yes. You will need to disable "Require 1 to connect" and set the timeout to at least 60 seconds. All this does is tells the call to transfer ownership of the call to the cell phone carrier and it will go based on their call flow.

Q: What about leaving voicemails on a Mango Voice voicemail box?

A: Also possible! You will need to enable "Require 1 to connect" and select your desired timeout, then put a Leave Voicemail object after the external transfer and connect those together.


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