Dental Intelligence (Used to be Modento)

1 min. readlast update: 04.26.2024

How to integrate and troubleshoot The Dental Intelligence Engagement or Analytics Integrations with Mango

Dental Intelligence Engagement Integration

How do I set it up?

·         Call Mango to enable integrations on your PBX

·         Customer copies the ID from their Modento account Settings

·         Enter ID into Mango Integration

·         Test the screen pop with a call to the front office to ensure it is integrated.

Where do I find the ID in Dental Intelligence?

Dental Intelligence Analytics Integration

1.    Enable integrations under company PBX settings

2.    Go to the Mango Voice dashboard

3.    Click the “Plus Sign”  next to “Extensions”

4.    Click on “Lines”

5.    Click on “New Extension Line”

6.    Enable “OutDial® Extension”

7.    Under “OutDial Options”, put in provided “Forwarding Number”

8.    Go to “Ring Groups”

9.    Add the new “OutDial® Extension” you created to the ring group where you want the Dental Intelligence Analytics applied.

How do I get help?

Contact Dental Intelligence Support

Phone: (855) 945-1222



Contact Mango Support

Phone: (435) 464-2646


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