Call Queue FAQs and Settings

4 min. readlast update: 08.21.2024

Available Ringing Options 

Call Queues Overview

A Call Queue allows multiple agents (users) to field calls when they come in. A typical use case for a call queue is a customer service department. The ring strategies discussed below can be adjusted for most call queue needs.

Agent Settings

Ring Strategy - The following are the ways the phones can ring: 

  • Ring-All - Rings all agents simultaneously.

  • Round-Robin - Rings the agent in position but remembers the last tried agent.

  • Longest-Idle-Agent - Rings the agent who has been idle the longest taking into account tier level.

  • Random - Rings agents in random order.

  • Least-Talk-Time - Rings the agent with the least talk time.

  • Fewest-Calls - Rings the agent with fewest calls.

Pre-Call Announcement - An announcement that comes before the call queue.

Max No Answer - The number of times an agent doesn't answer a call before they are logged out.

  • Does the Max No Answer count increase if the agent is on DND?

    • DND overrides this counter and puts the agent directly into On Break status. 

  • How does the Max No Answer count reset?

    • The Max No Answer count is based on an agent's session which is restarted when they log into a queue and ends when they log out of a queue. This means if the agent forgets to log out of the queue at the end of a shift, and they miss 10 phone calls overnight when they come back their phone will likely be on break.

  • Is there a max that value can be set to or a way to disable it?

    • You can set the number to a very large number 100 or 1000 to pretty much disable the behavior.

Busy Delay Time - If an agent is in a queue and already on the phone, delay for x amount of seconds until trying again.

Reject Delay Time - This is how long it will wait to ring your phone if you reject a call in the queue.

Wrap Up Time - This is how long it will wait to ring your phone after you end your current call, giving you time to wrap up any tickets or paperwork you need to finish.

No Answer Delay Time - If a call is not answered by any of the queue members, how long the phone will ring until begins ringing the next agent again.

Ring Duration - This is how long it will ring the phone if it is unanswered.

Caller Settings

Max Callers/Second - The amount of concurrent (in seconds) callers per second that the queue will allow.

Hold Music - Here you can select the hold music playlist you'd like to play while callers are in the queue.

Max Wait Time - This is how long a call will stay (in seconds) in the queue before it times out the queue and moves onto the "On Timeout" destination. 

Queue Timeout Destination - Choose where you want the call to go after it times out.

Queue Escape Destination - Choose where you want the call to go if the caller presses # to escape the queue.

Note: Queue Timeout Destination and Escape Destination are not necessary to set if the queue is in a switchboard. You will only use these if you transfer people into a queue manually.

Periodic Announcement Enable - Enables a periodic announcement to callers waiting in the queue. 

Periodic Announcement Interval - How long you want (in seconds) in between the message.

Periodic Announcement Message - Select the message you'd like to play or state the position in the queue that the caller is in. This can be used to tell the caller what their order is in the queue. 


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