API V2 Documentation

8 min. readlast update: 04.25.2024

This document refers to older versions of API endpoints that may be deprecated now or in the future, and should be viewed as a historical reference only. Please refer to our official API Documentation website for the most accurate information.

Mango Voice provides the following documentation so that companies can easily and effectively integrate Mango Voice features into their own systems.

The documentation is divided into three categories:

Global APIs

Global APIs allow companies to access data relating to their entire PBX.
Learn more here

User APIs

User APIs allow companies to access data for a particular user that is part of their PBX.

Interactive Phone Platform

This Interactive Phone Platform documentation instructs companies on how to create their own API in order to integrate Mango Voice functionality into their own systems

Global PBX API 

This API category uses unique tokens to authenticate requests. Using the methods in the Global API category, one can access any data for the entire PBX. Whereas the User API's will only allow access to data pertaining to that user.

Before using the Mango Voice Global APIs:

·         Contact Mango Voice support to activate your API access.

·         Upon activation Mango Voice will provide three unique identifier tokens for your PBX (labeled ident1, ident2, and ident3 respectively)

·         These tokens must be used for any request to the Mango Voice Global APIs

Important: Tokens must be kept confidential. Exposing tokens to the public may result in data theft, loss, or corruption.

Learn about Global Authentication here

Global Authentication

Global Authentication uses 3 unique "identifier" tokens

First Steps

·         Contact Mango Voice support to enable Integrations.

·         Upon enabling, go to the Mango Voice Admin portal > Integrations > Authorization

·         Generate auth token: ident1, ident2, and ident3 respectively- These will be returned as one combined auth token.

·         These tokens must be used for any request to the Mango Voice Global APIs

Important: Tokens must be kept confidential. Exposing tokens to the public may result in data theft, loss, or corruption.

Note: You can remove and regenerate auth tokens at any time if you feel your auth tokens have been compromised.

Call Logs (CDR)

The Call Detail Record (CDR) API provides Mango Voice customers with access to the call logs and call recordings for their PBX.

First Steps

·         Activate API for your PBX- Contact Mango Voice support to activate API access for your PBX. API access is granted per PBX.

·         Obtain authorization credentials from Mango Voice- Mango Voice will supply you with 3 unique ident values. These values will authenticate all API requests to MangoVoice.

·         Test and Validate API.

API Functionality

With this API users can:

·         List CDRs for their PBX

·         Get a count of CDRs for their PBX

·         Get call recordings (if enabled)


·         CDRs are available for up to 12 months (default value)

·         Call Recordings are available for up to 6 months (default value)

Call Recordings

·         Call recordings are made available through a temporary URL that may be used for up to 300 seconds.

·         A new temporary URL may be retrieved by calling the API again.

List Call Detail Records


To return a list CDRs for a PBX (defaults to the last 30 days)

Request URL:

*Replace ident1, ident2, and ident3 with the tokens provided by Mango Voice (See authentication page for instructions on how to get these tokens)

GET Call Detail Record Count


Provides a count of all CDRs for a PBX (defaults to the last 30 days)

Request URL:


Filtering Results:

The following filters can be applied to the request URL of the above API calls:

Filter by extension number

·         /extension/<ext>

o    ext = the extension number you want to search for (101, 203, etc…)

Filter by daterange:

·         /daterange/<date>

o    date = date you want to filter by in the following format:

§  start_date=YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss&end_date=YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss

o    Can filter by just date (YYYY-MM-DD) or you can include time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)

o    Date and time are in UTC

o    If only given start date it filters from the start date provided up to the current date

o    If only given the end date it gives the last 30 days of call records from the end date

Filter by call direction:

·         /direction/<dir>

o    dir = the direction of the call (outbound, inbound, or internal)

Filter for Call Recording:

·         /recording/<id>

o    id = the id of the CDR you want the recording for

o    This filter can only be used the List request URL

Filter by Call UUID:

·         /call_uuid = the unique id of the call

·         This filter can only be used with the List request URL

·         Also returns the call recording for the CDR


Json- to display in Json use ?format=json

Visual- to display formatted visually use ?format=api


·         id - the id of the call

·         callflow - what happened during the call

·         conference_id - if a conference call this will be the id (otherwise an empty string)

·         duration - total time of the call

·         source_number - the number that made the call

·         destination_number - the number that was called

·         call_time - the time the call was made

·         call_direction - type of call (inbound, outbound, internal)

·         call_uuid - the unique id for the call

·         src_ext - the extension that called

·         dst_ext - the extension that answered

·         call_status - answered, hangup, rejected, voicemail

·         temp_recording_url - used to get the call recording



The purpose of this API is to allow access to all voicemails for a given PBX.

Base URL:



This GET method retrieves voicemails for a given PBX, or an extension of that PBX if specified as a parameter.

Parameter ext=<ext>


This is a GET method that will return the data of a single voicemail referred to by the voicemail’s ID.


This is a PUT method that will mark a single voicemail referred to by the voicemail’s ID as read.


This is a DELETE method that will delete a single voicemail referred to by the voicemail’s ID.

Note: All API responses will be a JSON string

If read_epoch is 0 that means the voicemail has not been listened to

Interactive Phone Platform

Interactive Phone Platform allows 3rd party integration for screens pops, additional call status notifications, and Click-2-Call functionality.

Call Events - 2 methods are available

1.    Requires an Oauth approach with a RESTful API for notifications. The method provides the easiest user experience, but is the heaviest for your team to develop.
Current API - https://mangovoice.com/api-docs/interactive-phone-platform/

2.    Uses Webhooks to send Call Events for a given Mango Extension. See Webhooks - Call Events



Enabling Click2Call allows users to click on a phone number inside of an application and have that call automatically call the customer and connect it to the agent's phone.


The following pages instruct organizations on building their own API or Webhook endpoints to integrate Mango Voice functionality within their own systems. Organizations wanting to integrate with Mango Voice must follow the guidelines within this document based on which functionality they want to incorporate.


Active Users

Mango Voice will use this API to retrieve the active users in the subscriber's system.

Request URL:

https://<base url>/mango/activeusers

Request Method:



Call Answered

Mango Voice will use this API call to notify the subscriber when an inbound call has been answered.

Request URL:

https://<base url>/mango/callanswered

Request Method:



Call Dialed

Mango Voice will use this API call to notify the subscriber on an outbound call when the destination phone rings or is about to ring.

Request URL:

https://<base url>/mango/calldialed

Request Method:



Call Hangup (Inbound)

Mango Voice will use this API call to notify the subscriber when an inbound call has been hung-up.

Request URL:

https://<base url>/mango/callhangup

Request Method:



Call Hangup (Outbound)

Mango Voice will use this API call to notify the subscriber when an outbound call has been hung-up.

Request URL:

https://<base url>/mango/callhangup

Request Method:



Call Missed

Mango Voice will use this API call to notify the subscriber when an inbound call has been missed.

Request URL:

https://<base url>/mango/callmissed

Request Method:



Call Ringing

Mango Voice will use this API call to notify the subscriber when an inbound call is ringing.

Request URL:

https://<base url>/mango/callringing

Request Method:





Enabling Click2Call allows users to click on a phone number inside of an application and have that call automatically call the customer and connect it to the agent's phone

Click2call call flow
1. Click to call request is made
2. MangoVoice Softswitch dials the Agent (extension) “A leg”
3. When Agent extension answers, Mango Softswitch will begin dialing the number requested in the api request “B leg”
4. Mango Bridges A leg and B leg

Request URL:

Use the clicktocallurl obtained from the Click2call Setup API
Example: https://apiuser.mangovoice.com/api/v2/iclicktocall/<auth token>

Note: auth token is a unique identifier for the subscriber's PBX that will be passed as part of the clicktocallurl in the above API

Request Method:



Click2call Enable-Disable API Guide

The client will enable Click2Call per user from the Mango Voice Admin portal.

In order to use click2call:

1. Mango Voice will call an API provided by the subscriber to enable click2call. When calling this API Mango Voice will provide a click2call url as one of the parameters.

2. The subscriber will use the click2call url provided by Mango Voice whenever someone uses click2call within the subscriber's system in order to initialize the call.

Click2Call setup API

Mango Voice will call this API in order to enable or disable click2call for a user in the subscriber's system

Request URL
https://<base url>/callcontrol

Request Methods

POST - Enable click2call for a user

DELETE - Disable click2call for a user


You will need to store the clicktocallurl and clicktocallparam for use with using the Click2call API for Mango Voice. This will be unique per user.


Enable or Disable Integration

Mango Voice will use this API call to enable or disable integration with the subscriber's system.

Request URL:

https://<base url>/mango/integrate

Request Method:

POST - Enable the integration

DELETE - Disable the integration


Webhooks - Call Events

Using the Mango administration portal a user can enable Mango extensions to send call state notifications for both inbound and outbound calls to and from any Line Extension.

Call Event Notification are send via Webhooks.  This method sends all notifications to a single webhook (callback url) with a Standardized JSON object.

The subscriber (the organization wanting to receive call event notifications) will first have to provide Mango Voice with a base URL (callback url).



Request Method:





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